Best Day Ever

It all started in 2020. I’m a lockdown bride and had to postpone my wedding. Like so many others, I’d been planning my Best Day Ever with so much excitement and was gutted! But, this extra time I had meant I could really search for those little details. I love the idea of bride and flower girl matching jackets to complete our look. When I couldn’t find what I wanted, and having a degree in fine art, I thought I’d design some of my own. I love the jackets I’ve created for my own wedding. They’re so personal but also a keepsake that can be used over and over. Your jackets can be personalised in so many ways. I can paint on denim, leather - whether that's real or faux, its up to you! And a full range of colours, no need to stick to the blue denim and black leather if you don't want to! I have so many paint colours to choose from, I'm keen to work on almost every theme. Unique gift alert! Maybe you’re looking for a special gift for someone. These jackets are great as they’re not just for weddings. You'll find some of the casual and children’s jackets I’ve painted on Instagram or Facebook. I love to do things a little outside of the box, so I’d love to hear from you if you have a unique idea for your own jacket. Your jacket is my blank canvas!!

Best Day Ever

Llantwit Major
CF61 1WZ



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Credit: Oliver Jones Photography