The Social Ceremony

So you're engaged - Congratulations!
Your nearest and dearest know that your plans are underway – whoop whoop!
You’ve checked out our ‘Where do I start?’ Inspiration – perfect!
Now let’s think about how to get the most out of social media and online tools.
1. Create a brand for your big day. This doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated but will help you to keep track of everything. E.g.
2. Use your brand to create a dedicated email account. This will keep all of your correspondence in one place that you can both access. This trick can help to make sure that you don’t miss any important messages from your guests and suppliers.
3. Continue your brand by creating a hashtag. This will make sure that all of the photos from the big day can be easily seen together. #SamandCharlie2023
4. Include your hashtag on your invitations, order of service and reception menu. Put it wherever your guests might find it, it will make it so much easier for you all to revisit your special day.
5. Checkout our supplier listings. Our fantastic local businesses might just be offering exactly what you were looking for.
6. Get onto Pinterest and search for inspiration.
7. Follow us on Instagram and when you’re posting your photos, use our hashtag - #yourvaleceremony. We love to see how your day goes and you’ll be great inspiration to couples still in the planning process.
8. Check your ceremony planner to make sure you’ve told us everything we need to know. Use the Custom Questions to tell us everything from the perfect pronunciation of names to who’ll trusted to take care of the rings. Done!
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